Calendar Gif
Calendar Mockup


Calendar is a mobile user-friendly app that is designed for people all of ages to use. The app has a label color feature to easily categorize events, easy access to notifications, fast and simple way to enter and edit events. Settings for language, account and even for adding or remove calendars. The main goal was to make sure the app was clean and simple for anyone of all ages to quickly set or view events, birthdays, reminders & etc.





UX Research

UI/UX Design


When beginning the research, I thought a good way to find great feedback when people use a calendar app was read reviews of other calendar apps and going through comments users have posted on what they liked and what they wish the app had to make the experience better. So, I decided to pick Google calendar and Apple Calendar since those are two popular calendar apps.

  • Google Calendar Reviews

No notifications


For no reason at all it stopped giving me any notifications. I keep missing reminders and events so i have switched back to the apple calendar which is frustrating because it doesn’t sync across all of my devices

Doesn’t sync reminders and doesn’t let us choose the day

Luigi Olivera

Like the title says, it dosen’t let us change the day for the reminders. Buggy app

Update = bugs galore


This latest verison is a mess. I can’t uncheck or check different calendars. Have uninstalled and reinstalled four times and no change. As a result I have events showing 3x. Nightmare.

Terrible horizontal scroll


No vertical scroll in month view means you jump month to month. Can’t view two partial months together.

  • Apple Calendar Reviews

No serious Updates

Charis Brown JR 3

Dots are still the same color can’t change them to know which dates are what



The alerts don’t work. I have a biweekly medication I need to take and now I’ve missed my shot because of the alerts not working



No Notifications



It’s so frustratingly difficult to use and to enter events on the correct dates

User Research

After gathering the research from comments, I thought another great way to get research was to ask people face to face their feedback when using a calendar app, so I created a 3 question survey and asked 5 people.

Questions Asked

  • What's your main reason for using a calendar app?
  • What's a must feature you look for when using a calendar app?
  • What's your favorite feature about a calendar app?


These were the most common answers I found when looking at the results of the survey

  • To be reminded of important events or reminders
  • Notifications feature
  • Color coded events


Calendar Sketches


Calendar Wireframes

Design System

Calendar Wireframes

Final Product

While putting the finale design together there was one big change I made that was in the calendar screen where in the beginning if you wanted to see what you had scheduled that day, it would take you to a similar screen like the notifications screen so I ended up changing it to make it easier to see events instantly which when you pushed the month you wanted to see you would see the events you can planned instantly at the bottom along with the full calendar of that month your on at the top.

Calendar Mockup 02
Calendar Mockup 03
Calendar Mockup 04
Calendar Mockup 05
Calendar Mockup 06
Calendar Mockup 07
Calendar Mockup 08
Calendar Mockup 09

User Testing

Once everything was completed, I got5 individuals from the user research to test out the product to see how the experience would go for them. Along with asking questions on how they felt using the product. During the test I had some tasks for the users to complete such create logging in, create new event, go to search bar, tap event to see more information about it and view the scheduled, notifications and settings,


A suggestion was made on having a dark mode in the future and to add the color filter option from scheduled to also events which I did add after testing. Other than that, it was successful and I was pleased with the results and feedback I got from the users.

  • I like how you can select with event it is by color
  • I like how simple and easy it is to quickly add a new event
  • I like the way the months and year are designed
  • I like how on scheduled your able to easily tap to the meetings and appointments instead of having to go through each event randomly